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-Writer & blogger-
-music producer & artist-

-son & brother-
-guardian of 2 hermit crabs-


You're here because you want to know about me, huh? I'll tell you everything you need to know and more. I could start with the basics: I'm from Peoria, Illinois; I went to school at Drake University; I'm currently 23 years old; My favorite color is orange (purple is number two); I like baseball...go Cubs! But you don't want to know that. You can read most of that on my resume anyway. You want the juicier stuff. What are my values? What are my interests? What's my story? If you really want to know that bad, just ask. I mean, my email, phone number, and socials are all at the bottom of every page you'll visit here. I'm clearly not shy. I've put a huge photo of myself and most of the stuff I've created on a website for anyone to see., so fire away with your burning questions.


If you really just want to read about me, then sure. I'll go ahead and write it out for you. Everyone likes talking about themselves anyway, and I am no exception. I grew up in a household of two parents and a brother that was 14 months younger than me. I played sports, mainly baseball, and took up drumming pretty early on. I never really had a path paved for me. I was never "supposed" to be a doctor or a chef or anything like that. My future was (and is) in my own hands. No pressure right? Well, I was alright at science in school and thought it was interesting. That path didn't speak to me though. I felt like I had ideas to contribute. Critical thinking skills. I wanted to use that to help make the world more beautiful.


With that, I peaked an interest in the nuances of society. Specifically, I found it wild to learn how influential entertainment and advertisement content can be on an individual, demographic, or society at large. That's why I went into the journalism school where I learned how to produce some of that media content. I also studied rhetoric and topics adjacent to sociology, communication, and philosophy. I hope this education has set me up to effectively communicate with love and an open mind through various mediums. My goal is to add more smiles to the world, specifically through an exchange of ideas.


Alright, you're going to have to email me or something if you want to know more than that.


Peace and love,

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